Get This Popular Christian Easter Bingo Printable Game

Did someone say BINGO? 

I mean, who doesn’t love a good fun game of Bingo? It’s so versatile and makes for the perfect game to play with family, friends and even small youth groups at church. I created a Christian Easter bingo printable that just boasts with the religious Easter theme.

Use it to introduce the biblical resurrection story to your kids or use it as a refresher or supplement to what they’ve already learned about this amazing story. 

As long as my kids hear bingo, they’re all in to play… whether we’re gonna be playing regular bingo games or a jazzed up bingo like this one. They don’t care if it’s store-bought or printed out. The bingo game itself just brings about so much fun and excitement. 

Even though someone is always THIS close to winning, we never have any sore losers. It’s always a great time spent together, even for me as the bingo caller who’s usually calling out everything. 

If it sounds good to you, don't forget to get your free Easter bingo game at the bottom of the post.

Image of a printable Christian Easter bingo board with easter-themed symbols

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Everything You’ll Need to Play Easter Bingo

You’ll find all that you need for a night of bingo fun in the file you download… That is everything except for the prizes, but no worries, I’ll give you some prize ideas.

This printable free PDF file comes with:

  • An instruction sheet
  • 8 unique cards
  • A master calling card checkoff sheet
  • The calling card cutout pieces
  • Bingo markers for the players
An image showing different printables included in a Christian Easter Bingo game printable

What's on the bingo cards?

Holy Bible: The Bible tells the story of Jesus' resurrection and its significance for all believers.

Open Bible: An open Bible represents an invitation to read about the Easter story and the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus Riding a Donkey: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Palm Branch: Palm branches were laid down before Jesus as He entered Jerusalem, celebrating His arrival.

Jesus Praying: Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest, showing His reliance on God.

Olive Leaves & Tree: Jesus prayed under an olive tree at the Garden of Gethsemane.

Disciples: The disciples were Jesus' closest followers who were with Him during The Last Supper and His arrest.

Bread & Wine Glass: This symbolizes the Last Supper where Jesus shared a meal with His disciples before His crucifixion.

Jesus Carrying a Cross: Jesus carried His cross to Golgotha where He was crucified.

Thorn Crown: The crown of thorns represents the suffering Jesus endured during His crucifixion.

King of the Jews Banner: This banner was placed above Jesus' cross signifying His true identity.

Various Crosses: The cross represents Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection.

Staff: The staff symbolizes Jesus as the Good Shepherd, guiding and protecting His flock.

Sheep: The sheep symbolizes Jesus' followers whom He cares for and protects like a shepherd.

Jesus Holding a Sheep: This is symbolizing Jesus being a Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep.

Crown: The crown symbolizes Jesus' kingship.

Heart: The heart represents God's love for us which is demonstrated through Jesus' death and resurrection.

Empty Tomb: The empty tomb signifies Jesus' resurrection and victory over death.

An Angel: An angel announced Jesus' resurrection to the women at the tomb.

Jesus Holding a Heart: This shows Jesus' deep love for humanity which is shown through His sacrifice.

Dove: The dove represents the Holy Spirit which was present during Jesus' resurrection.

Flower: The flowers symbolize new life and resurrection just like Jesus rising from the dead.

Prize Options for a Christian-Themed Easter

Don’t be like me and forget about the prizes. Usually when I forget to plan for the prizes, I resort to giving money as a prize. That’s what you call mom guilt from being unprepared.

So to prevent you from having to resort to money for all the rounds, I want to help you out and offer some prize ideas for the kids.

Prize Ideas for the Younger Kids

  • Easter-themed drinking cups
  • Stickers
  • Bubbles
  • Crayons or markers
  • Fruit snacks

Prize Ideas for Elementary Aged Kids

  • Easter-themed stationary: pencils, notebooks, erasers
  • Small candies
  • Temporary tattoos
  • Craft supplies
  • Small toys

Prize Ideas for Middle & High School Kids

  • Easter-themed cups
  • Journal
  • Gift card
  • Pocket devotional
  • Fashion jewelry

Setting Up Bingo

First things first, download and print the file.

There’s a little bit of prep work to do beforehand, but really, it mostly entails cutting.

Grab the scissors because the bingo cards need to be cut.

The calling cards need to be cut.

Image of 3 printable calling cards for Christian Easter Bingo game

AND the bingo markers need to be cut.

Image of blue easter eggs to be used as bingo markers for easter bingo

If you have a paper cutter tool like I have, it makes the process go so much quicker. 

How to Play 

Most people know the general concept of playing Bingo. It’s really the same with this bingo as well.

However, you can go over the images with your children and give them a little explanation on how the image relates to the resurrection story. 

Don’t forget, for every image listed on the bingo cards, I provided you a description further up.

But for your basic step by step instructions:

  1. Hand Out the Bingo Cards: Give each player a bingo card and a stack of the bingo markers.
  2. Draw the Calling Cards: Mix up the calling cards in a bowl or paper bag. Choose who’s going to be the caller and that person will draw the cards one by one.
  3. Call Out the Images: The caller pulls a card, shows it to everyone, and calls out the image or symbol. For example, “Jesus praying!” or “Empty tomb!”
  4. Mark Your Card: The players look for the called image on their bingo cards and place a marker on it if they have it.
  5. Shout ‘Bingo!’: The first person to get five in a row shouts BINGO. And that’s five in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  6. Win!: The winner claims their prize.

There are 25 spaces on the bingo cards including the free space. When I created the bingo cards, I used 30 different symbols to make up the different bingo cards. Sometimes my family plays a “cover all” bingo for a bigger prize and if I used the same number of symbols on all the cards, everybody would get bingo at the same time if playing that version. So I wanted to give you the option to have a single winner if you decide to play a cover all bingo as well.

Creative Ideas for Easter Bible Story Bingo

Storytime Bingo

This is a bit unconventional, but if you want to change it up a bit and add a bit of a challenge, try this.

Gather around for storytime. An adult or older child can read the Easter story aloud from either online or a children’s Bible.

The players listen for the keywords that correlate with the images on their bingo cards.

As the story is read, kids listen carefully and place a marker on their card whenever they hear one of the keywords mentioned.

And keeping up with regular bingo, the first child to get five in a row shouts “BINGO!” and wins a prize.

Bingo Markers

Instead of using the printable bingo markers, you can have your kids use the bingo dot markers from Dollar Tree or keep it themed and use jelly beans as markers.

Download this Fun Easter Bingo Game

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    Need More Than 8 Bingo Cards?

    Plan to use this for Sunday School, small groups or a classroom party? I have a bundle of 30 unique bingo cards that can be purchased for $5. Please note, this set of 30 does include the 8 free bingo cards that I offer as a free download.

    An image of text and printable Christian Easter bingo games to purchase

    Printing Recommendations

    For an added layer of durability and to reuse this fun Easter game again next year, print on cardstock paper. For best results, laminate each sheet. The caller can use dry erase markers to mark off the images being called. Use rubbing alcohol to clean your laminated sheets.

    Questions you may have

    There are 8 cards included in the free download. 

    If you need more than the 8 free printable Easter bingo cards, I offer a bundle of 30 cards available for purchase here for $5.

    Fun Easter Activity

    If you’re looking for a fun way to celebrate the Easter festivities this year, other than the classic Easter egg hunt, download this fun printable bingo game.

    Other Favorite Easter Activities

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