Hey! I’m Ozella, I Started ‘Bible Activity Sheets' to provide you resources to teach your children god's word.
I'm on a mission to help busy Christian moms teach their children about God in a way that's understandable for them… in a way that helps them retain the Word and apply it to their lives.
I was raised in church as a child and remember many things from that season of my life, but as an adult, I've been relearning the stories of the Bible because I just can't remember ever learning them in the first place… I don't want that for your children.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)
We are raising the next generation of future disciples for god!
When I had children of my own, I knew that I wanted to make God a priority in their lives. It is possible to teach children the Word of God, both effectively and interactively. They can retain His Word both in their brains and their hearts… They just need to be taught on their level.
My kids are hands-on learners and I'm always looking for additional resources to help me teach them. Sometimes I find exactly what I’m looking for, and other times, not so much. During those times when I can’t find a resource that meets my needs, I create it. But I’m a creative at heart. I love to create. It’s my happy place that brings me so much contentment.
I was always seeking “my purpose” and a way to magnify God’s name. I prayed for direction and clarity and it’s led me here. I’m so grateful to be able to share what I create and serve other moms who are too busy to do it themselves.
What you'll find Here
A variety of bible story activity printables
Each activity sheet offered will be low-prep, requiring very minimal supplies. God’s Word will be expressed either explicitly, through pictures, stories, games, or crafts etc.
Why Stick Around Anyway?
I know how overwhelming it can be to look for a resource, spend hours browsing different websites only to partially find what you’re looking for.
I’ve made it a goal of mine for this website to become a hub of biblical activities for kids. I’m committed to continuously updating the resources I offer. I also have some exciting things planned for the future, but first thing’s first… my priority lies in loading the site up with God’s Word.
Every resource you find will be wholesome and targeted specifically for the Christian community.
I’m very passionate about raising up the next generation of kingdom builders and expanders.
You’ll see that teaching your kids about God and His story can be fun and educational. I know your time is limited so I promise you won’t have to go out and buy 10-15 supplies for an activity. There’s a way to break through to our kids in a minimal, but engaging way.
Get in touch
If I missed anything, or you have a question, or you just want to reach out to say ‘hello,’ feel free to email me.
I hope you find what you're looking for and thanks again for checking out Bible Activity Sheets!